MAPRYAL launches the first mobile application for Russian language proficiency testing

International Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature (MAPRYAL) introduced TORFL GO - the first and nowadays exclusive mobile application for preparation to the Russian language proficiency test.
Recent innovation is developed for wide range of users preparing to pass a test of Russian as a foreign language (TORFL/TRKI). The novelty gives them an opportunity to check their command of language, get acquainted with a structure of a TORFL test, learn about particularities of its completion procedure, work out tangled cases of language use right in a mobile phone or a tablet PC.
At present TORFL GO embraces most required testing levels - Elementary (A1), Basic (A2), First Certification (B1) and Second Certification (B2). Structure and characteristic aspects of each test, range of subjects accurately reflect the real testing procedure. The application also calculates time limits for task completion.
The application has been developed my MAPRYAL with support of Presidential Grand Foundation and is free of charge. The application is available for download:
at GooglePlay
at AppStore